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Environment Hailsham

Environment Hailsham is a small group of volunteers who provide and maintain all the floral displays around the Market Town of Hailsham in East Sussex.   It is registered as a charity, No: 1156667.

These displays include the War Memorial; railing planters by South Road Bridge; Neptune and Tesco crossings; Market Square and all the hanging baskets.  In addition, the volunteers also maintain the tranquil Dennis King Garden, the Library Rose Garden and sponsored displays in Battle Road.

The Volunteers use two poly tunnels off Grovelands Road and this is where all the action takes place!  Here, hundreds of seeds are sown in the Spring and carefully looked after until planting time.  During the summer much work is carried out by the volunteers to keep the flower displays looking bright and cheerful, including a weekly watering regime.

Environment Hailsham’s aim is to provide the town with a welcoming colour of floral displays for the benefit and enjoyment of the whole community and visitors.

01323 842931