Get festive with us on Thursday 1st December, enjoy music, late night shopping, food, drink and the launch of the 2022 village advent windows ⭐️ 🌲 🍷 Meet the makers of Big Nose & Beardy’s cider and enjoy a warming drink. Open until 6pm for Christmas shopping, hot drinks and festive treats. Big Nose and […]


Tour de Chiddingly 2023

Six Bells The Street, Chiddingly, East Sussex

It's time to dig out the chain oil and dust off your cycle helmets! The second Tour de Chiddingly community cycling event takes place on Saturday 16th September. You can follow a shorter (6-mile) or longer (13-mile) circular route. Children & young adults welcome. 11.00am start at the Six Bells in Chiddingly. For full details […]

£1 – £18

Green Weekend 2024

Chiddingly Village Shop & Cafe Farley Farm Yard, Muddles Green, Chiddingly Lewes, East Sussex

Save the date for the Greening Chiddingly ‘Green Weekend 2024’. Events will be taking place across the weekend of 6th and 7th July. On Saturday 6th July, we are hosting a ‘Green Jamboree’ from 10am-2pm at Chiddingly Village Shop in Muddles Green. Expect fun and educational activities for adults and children, plus inspiring ideas for […]
