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Spotted, May 2021
SPOTTED! Wildlife in (and around) Hailsham by Tim Fox At the end of April, nesting was well and truly underway. Five starling nests, with young begging for food from within, dot the buildings on my short walk into town from near Station Road. Hopefully, there’ll be...
Spotted, June 2021
SPOTTED! Wildlife in (and around) Hailsham by Tim Fox I was astounded recently to be able to walk less than ten minutes from my town centre residence and hear a nightingale singing. The sun had just disappeared under the horizon as I approached, and many birds were...
Spotted, July 2021
SPOTTED! Wildlife in (And around) Hailsham by Tim Fox As I write, it’s 20 days into #30DaysWild. I have to admit not being able to keep up with daily postings on Twitter, but I’ve still found plenty of #RandomActsOfWildness to keep me busy. Of those to-date,...
Spotted, August 2021
SPOTTED! Wildlife in (and around) Hailsham by Tim Fox Some months back, I wrote about a buddleja in our garden that was not only self-service nutrition for bees and butterflies via nectar, but also to aphids via sap. This year, eagle-eyed Ann spotted something else...
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